There are three avenues: 1 - by creating a work or by doing a deed. 2 - experiencing something or encountering someone (work & love). 3 - turning a personal tragedy into a triumph.
Note to oneself: "Never be ashamed of being unhappy!"
There are no bad people. Only unhelpful attitudes, habits, and behaviors.
In the meantime simply remember to be nice to YOU!
Ok, remember that between us there is No Shame and No Blame. As your Co-Pilot, I do not judge you, ever. And I will guide you to separate yourself from your behaviors. Remember there are no Bad people. From here on in you are not alone.
Failure does not exist. Only lessons to be learned and feedback received. Lets work on this together.
Challenged by success is a great place to start our 'change' work together. I will help you clarify values and refine your greatest vision. We will work through your intentions and ambitions to build towards who you want to become.
A car is parked 90% of its life. We pay for parking as well as insurance, speeding, taxes, repairs. and depreciation. Sometimes we even splash out and pay for its exterior to be washed.
Such 'affordable' habits are normal yet they do nothing for our wellbeing. Investing in coaching, guiding, or mentorship will identify and keep your valued habits intact, but you will also attain clarity and be rewarded a richer and fulfilled personal, economic, and socially purposeful life.
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